• 1. Copyright

    Although the content posted on this site can be browsed freely, beyond private use and the scope permitted by law, any use of content, including but not limited to reproduction, alteration, and distribution, for any reason is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of the Council. If you use any content without the prior consent of the Council, please beware that you may be in infringement of copyright, trademark, and privacy laws.

  • 2. Trademarks

    The use of the trademarks and logos on this site are subject to the permission of the rights holders (hereinafter referred to as "Rights holders") who have authorized the use of these to the Council (including its related municipalities), and cannot be used without permission.

  • 3. Sharing policy to SNS

    1. ▼Linking policy and sharing on social media
      We welcome links to this site and sharing it on social media. However, depending on the contents of the shared website or the way it has been shared, you may be requested to withdraw your link or shared information. For more details please see "Notes on linking and sharing this website".

      In addition, the Council is not checking any third party websites or social media accounts where links to this website have been shared (referred to as "third party sites") and cannot make any warranties against such usage. Therefore, the Council will not take any responsibility for any damages caused in connection with links to this site.
    2. ▼Notes on linking and sharing this website
      The Council refuses links or shares from websites containing any of the following content:
      1. Contrary to public order and morals
      2. Contents violating any laws and regulations
      3. Antisocial content
      4. Adult content
      5. Contents slandering the Council or any associations (including related municipalities) or any related persons such as artists, and
      6. any other content that can be objectively judged as damaging in any way to the corporate value of this council (including its related municipalities).
    3. ▼When linking to this site or sharing on social media, please observe the following:
      1. When creating a link, please make sure that a new browser window opens
      2. Do not share for the purpose of fraud
      3. Do not interfere with the use of this site by others
  • 4. Links from this website

    The link to any third party sites from this site is provided for the convenience of those browsing this site. The contents posted on these third party sites are not guaranteed or approved by the Council.
    Therefore, the Council is not responsible for any damages caused by the contents of any third party sites, or the use of third party sites by the viewer.

  • 5. Disclaimer

    Whilst the Council is paying close attention to the information posted on this site by checking its contents in advance, it cannot guarantee things such as the accuracy, concurrence, effectiveness, or the safety of the information provided. The Council (including its related municipalities) is not responsible, regardless of any reason, for any damage, loss, or troubles, caused by customers using this site.
    In addition, the Council may update, change, delete, suspend temporarily, or close down the website without notice.
    The council will not take responsibility for any damages or loss caused by the above.